As a visual art paintings and statues in the religious life in the end what kind of function to play?This became eight or nine centuries of Christian life of the major issues in the sect inside a heated debate took place. In 730 AD, the Eastern Roman emperor Leo III issued a targeted ban on employing the image to show Christ, the Virgin Mary, saints and angels. The ban was lifted until AD 843, the character icon to regain contact and Western art world, classical art forms to re-occupy a place in the religious art activities.
AD a century to the early fourth century, Christianity in the Roman Empire was banned, and even suffered several brutal repression.
AD 64, an inexplicable fire burning in the city of Rome, the entire city of Rome fell into chaos, wood burning house explosion sounds and cries of the people of a hybrid. Roman Emperor Nero blamed the Christians to the blaze. At the moment though it is midnight, he ordered those captured Christians, treat them as torches burned alive. Christian policy under high pressure has been severely damaged, missionary activities and dissemination of religious art culture had to go underground.
After 300 years after Christian persecution, AD 313, Constantine recognized the "sacred values" of Christianity, presented the "Edict of Milan", so be legalized Christianity. Shortly thereafter, was designated as the Roman Christian "state religion." At this point in the disintegration of the Roman Empire has eve.
Early Christian art has been rapid development. Early Christianity inherited the tradition of Judaism, prohibit idolatry, banning all religious images, in just a few symbolic images such as crosses, lamb, shepherd, etc., to convey religious ideas. Venus goddess worshiped by the people in those days at this time is seen as something like a banshee was defamatory. Venus statue was found as long as the entity will be destroyed immediately. However, later on, Christian art works of body art is still there, between believers secret will inject some religious images, and gradually developed into a public art activities.
Early Christian architecture called traditional "Basilica" style architecture, it looks inherited classical Roman architecture, "power" of the United States, while the internal emulate the ornate beauty of oriental temples. To decorate interior of the church, there is a new art form - a small colored tiles, mosaic "Bible" in the figure, where "The Virgin and Child>" holy divisions "and other subjects are widely used.